
study of Soetsu Yanagi



柳宗悦『心偈』 2「御佛イヅチ 汝レハ イヅコ」 But Where is my whereabouts investigated this? First when not thinking back to this, how much meaning is left to know a whereabouts of the Buddha? Much more when there are where the Buddha's whe…


柳宗悦『心偈』 2「御佛イヅチ 汝レハ イヅコ」 Speaking of the Buddha Everyone ask a heart who is he or where is he? It can also be said that the whereabouts is a question of eternity. やらないよりはマシと心に言い聞かせ。


柳宗悦『心偈』 2「御佛イヅチ 汝レハ イヅコ」 ミホトケイヅチ ナレハ イヅコ Where is the Buddha? Where are you? I hope you remember as follows. A man asked a priest that “where is the Buddha?” Then the priest asked back immediately “ Where a…


柳宗悦『心偈』 「今日モアリオホケナクモ」 When it's understood so, where is there the pain or the pleasure those I stick. The fact that we live is too good for us. So we should live today for gratitude. Therefor I learned the meaning for l…


柳宗悦『心偈』 「今日モアリオホケナクモ」 Someone would curse the existence of hisself. A world depends on custom of shifts and changes, such one isn't fixed as one. 昨夜upしたつもりだった2行。


柳宗悦『心偈』 「今日モアリオホケナクモ」 We will be thankful to exist here. When this is understood, it is the way to bright light even in adversity. また日付超えたけど、今日も2行。 雷ゴロゴロいっていました。


柳宗悦『心偈』 「今日モアリオホケナクモ」 If you remember this,one's life time is successions of a feeling of thankfulness. “Ohkenakumo” means “graciously” and “It's too good for me.” 今夜は2行で、日付も越えてしまいましたが。 晴天の幼稚園…