
study of Soetsu Yanagi



30「サバクヤ心 袱紗サバキツ」 柳宗悦『心偈』 The master of tea ceremony handles mind as he handle fukusa. *fukusa(silk wrapping cloth) The master of tea ceremony handles fukusa at the tea-serving manner. It's a beautiful scene for the tea …


29「點ツヤ茶ヲ 様ナキ様ニ」 柳宗悦『心偈』 Perform the tea ceremony behaving naturally. I would tell the truth on the pretext of the tea ceremony, it's not always tea. When I see the performance of the tea ceremony, it seems something exag…


「茶モ道 棄ツル道」 柳宗悦『心偈』 The art of tea ceremony is also the way of throwing himself away. If chanoyu quest truth, it arrive at the art of tea ceremony. Tea was tied up zen, tea is especially deepen as the art of tea ceremony. Te…


27「茶ノミ 茶カハ」 柳宗悦『心偈』 No, it must be basement of tea is in your usual daily life. If tea is disappeared when you go out a tea ceremony room, it's not a true tea. Tea remains in a tea ceremony room much more, tea doesn't come t…


27「茶ノミ 茶カハ」 柳宗悦『心偈』 Everything lead to tea not only tea ceremony. A Master of tea ceremony helds chaji smartly in a tea-ceremony room by using a set of tea-things. This is called chanoyu. It is exactly true, but you may mist…


26「茶ニテアレ 茶ニテナカレ」 柳宗悦『心偈』 It should be tea. It shouldn't be tea. A person who often put his hearts into the tea ceremony is to be a slave to the tea ceremony. There isn't tea like that inconvenience situation. Tea would …


柳宗悦『心偈』 25「一フクイカガ 茶モ忘レテ」 Would you like a cup of tea? You don't need to remember cha. It says only plain truth in a literal sense. This poem played a important role. Because a master of tea ceremony is often pretended t…