
study of Soetsu Yanagi



こんばんは。 ここからは、月食の朧月夜です。 夕方は大きな満月見えました。 インフルエンザの学級閉鎖等でばたばた。 朝、幼稚園の送りのとき、往復すると4キロ余り歩くのですが、 さわやかな朝の決心を家事で消さないように心がけます。 進まない毎日、読…


柳宗悦『心偈』 12「嬉シ 悲シノ 六字カナ」 It is joy and sadness, six latters,Namo Amitabha Buddha. まだまだ拙く不行き届きな訳ばかりななか、 読んでくださっている方、ありがとうございます。 雪、雪、雪、の3日間、今朝は30センチくらいになってい…


柳宗悦『心偈』 Absolutely you may pay attention to whether it attains a state of ordinary. Shimo means plain, it shows a state of pure mind that isn't added any arrangement. "Tomare" is the word watching a state like this. 11長くかかり過ぎ…


柳宗悦『心偈』 There's nothing just like a praying to Amitabha Buddha. Here I would like to talk people who aren't believer in jodo sect of Buddhism. If you can't pray to Amitabha Buddha, as it is, any kind of jobs is fine. What kind of jo…


柳宗悦『心偈』 You could forget everything, it may be all right though you don't know anything. 山羊座新月 がんばろう


柳宗悦『心偈』 But it means such like this, just Namo Amitabha Buddha will be better that it will be meaningless. やらないよりましというだけですが、一文だけでも。


柳宗悦『心偈』 11「トマレ 六字」 In any case, six latters,Namo Amitabha Buddha. "Tomare" is an abbreviation for "tomarekakumare." It means "In any case, whatever may happen you should speak out the six letters." Except this, an ordinary pe…


柳宗悦『心偈』 10「彌陀モ 六字ノ 捨艸ヤ」 Amitabha Buddha sells at a great sacrifice to six latters, also. "Six letters" mean six letters, Namo Amitabha Buddha. It is said "myogo." Reciting this six letters is called "shomyo." It is prepar…


柳宗悦『心偈』 Amitabha Buddha loves me, not because I have a fine character. It's just the opposite. I am an ordinary people the very bottom, and deeply sinful indeed, so God has an eye on me. I am not proud of the happiness that only I h…


柳宗悦『心偈』 9「見初ムトナ 彌陀 コノ吾レヲ」 It's me that single out by Amitabha Buddha. In plain words, I was fall in love with Amitabha Buddha at first sight. But you shouldn't misunderstand it. I never boasted of me. テンポよく訳せそ…


柳宗悦『心偈』 The mercy of Amitabha would aim at a miserable man like that. So the more you are miserable, you are haven the mercy of the Buddha. It means that you are invited the main guest of the Buddha at first. Who is the invited man?…


柳宗悦『心偈』 We can't live without a sin. As Dendo daishi expressed it, I should say just "". But you never despair. 短いけれど。 明日へつなげる一歩。


柳宗悦『心偈』 8「想ヘ誰ゾ 御佛ノ マラウドト」 Who is the main guest of the Budha? It's me in spite of who I am. "maroudo" means a guest of honor. It means "Consider who is the main guest of the Buddha today?" Incompetent as I am, whoever,…


柳宗悦『心偈』 7「追ウヤ 佛ヲ 追ハレツルニ」 People run after the Buddha in spite of people are ran down the Buddha. Many people think that we ask somebody the way, adore Buddha's teaching, run after the Buddha and pile up various efforts…


柳宗悦『心偈』 6「開カレツルニ 叩クトハ」 ヒラカレツルニ タタクトハ What is knocking the door? In spite of the door was opend. Though you knock the door or not, The door filled with the goodness of God is opened and waiting whenever, where…


あけましておめでとうございます。 お正月から見に来てくださっていたのに、 失礼しました。 一昨年に比べて、昨年はサボり気味でした。 今年は完訳めざしてがんばります。 いつも読んでくださりありがとうございます。 皆様にとって、2018年が良い年であり…