
study of Soetsu Yanagi



柳宗悦『心偈』 「捨テ身ナレ 悔イジ ヨモ」 ステミナレ クイジ ヨモ Throwing yourself away, if you regret it. 'Yomo' means 'surely it cannot be.' No matter what kind of work, if you try it with your life, you will begin to work worth of a man…


柳宗悦『心偈』 In fact there is no other life except today this time . It says 'Today's work is enough to today,' you will live the full life indeed that condenses today into the whole, the whole into today. Confucius said 'If I can listen…


柳宗悦『心偈』 33「ナ 云ヒソ 明日ト」 ナ イヒソ アスト Don't say tomorrow. It's mean don't say tomorrow. I say from the back side the different words, ' It is only thing we live now'. We should do today's work during today. There isn't yes…


But it's only provisional appearance that goes by. If 'eternal' means that has tomorrow forever, It's only change no more than always. Always should mean which is cutting wandering, and time which doesn't have before and behind. Eternal do…


柳宗悦『心偈』 32「今ヨリ ナキニ」 イマヨリ ナキニ It is only thing we live now. Time goes by yesterday to today, today to tomorrow. So it is said that 'the impermanence of worldly things,' or 'everything changes.' 先は長いですが、手始めに…


柳宗悦『心偈』 54「今日空晴レヌ」 ケフソラハレヌ It's clear up, today. Everyone would have the day he could say just this word. After long rain, everyone feel fresh when it's clear up that there is no crowd in the blue sky. Although many p…


柳宗悦『心偈』 There is the real newness within the old and moreover the new. A great person of the past called this as 'eternal now'. 'eternal now' don't have the difference between old and new. How much valuable does it have the newness …


柳宗悦『心偈』 「古シ泉ハ 新シ水ハ」 フルシイズミハ アラタシミズハ The old spring is always new water gushing out. It was a very old spring, but it wasn't old water in gushing out. Although old and new are always quarreling, new one that i…


柳宗悦『心偈』 But even if the spring flows for thousands and millions years, the water is ’eternally' forever new. The water isn't the water before. The spring is gushing out new water every moment, it doesn't be stagnate. Who can draw th…


柳宗悦『心偈』 「泉タバシル トハニ 新ニ」 イズミタバシル トハニ アラタニ A spring is gushing out forever newly. 'Tabasgiru' means gushing out. A spring doesn't know stopping. あけましておめでとうございます。 今年は短くても毎日更新できるよ…