
study of Soetsu Yanagi



5「指スヤ 西ヲ ドコトテ 西ナル」

「サスヤ ニシヲ ドコトテ ニシナル」 

Let's aim at west. There is west wherever you go.



It must be west that two of east and west go out of existence.

There isn't west only western direction.

West must have been everywhere.

If you turn to every direction, you would face to west.

You will call west is the paradise not until like this.

When you find that it is west every east, south and north, you will find there is the center of the paradise.

So wherever you are, it means you are in the center.

And that there isn't the center east and west.

The direction of west  means only metaphor.

It was said that ”Shiho rissou" ,but if you feel west that it isn't no direction, there is the western paradise.

So you are captured "direction of no direction",you will miss the western paradise.


