
study of Soetsu Yanagi


「佛トナ 名ナキモノノ 御名ナルニ」


Who is Buddha?

It's a name of who has no name.


Everyone ask who is Buddha?

If we know who is Buddha, that Buddha isn't Buddha.

Confined contents such and such isn't supreme Buddha.

Buddha is fictitious name that is unable to name. 

So it is said "nameless".

If we can express it, we don't say "furyumonji"(spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters).

A wise ancestor also entrust the words "zetugonzeturyo" and "hishiryou"

If it happens that we express Buddha like typical form, it's meaningless now.

Buddha  is "free from obstacles" itself, isn't it?

We shouldn't define Buddha that tied down contents and name.

We are unable to name Buddha, therefore we will show a method to learn the secrets of Zen by providing question seeking the secrets without letters by force.


