
study of Soetsu Yanagi


「茶モ道 棄ツル道」


The art of tea ceremony is also the way of throwing himself away.


If chanoyu quest truth, it arrive at the art of tea ceremony.

Tea was tied up zen, tea is especially deepen as the art of tea ceremony.

Tea as it were Buddhism of beauty.

It is to sink deep into your mind to doctrine of beauty by the medium of a tea set, a room of tea ceremony and so on.

But when it comes to seeking after the way of truth, it's not simple.

Only you enjoy yourself is apt to being personal.

What is the the way of truth?

As I see it, it's the way beyond a private matter.

It is taking away attachment.

This is called that the way of throwing himself.

"The mind of tea" need to "throwing himself away."

Tea can't deep in, if you don't  know "throwing yourself away."

It's a same thing as religion.

Then it comes to "throwing himself away," a master of tea ceremony should deal with tea paying careful attention to.

A master of tea ceremony is needed  to prepare the mind strictly that much.

