
study of Soetsu Yanagi


4「指スヤ都 見シヤ茲ヲ」

「サスヤミヤコ ミシヤココヲ」 

Let's aim at city. Why don't you see here?


”Sasu" means "aim at," it is starting on a long journey.

A long time ago people would like to strike the main street leading to Chouan or asking where is Rome.

It seems that life of men is the journey to "the city of the God."

While we are wondering here, it has a long distance between God and me.

So paradise describe far in the distance from ten million land.

But the city isn't so far.

There is a voice,"Do you see here?"

Hitting on where is the city? than here at this moment

The journey of the mind is not "here to there" but also"here to here."

delusion act the distance 

Thus surta says "It's not so far from here.





