
study of Soetsu Yanagi




念佛   the invocation Namu Amida Butsu, prayer to Amitabha(Amida Buddha), Buddhist invocation

念仏を唱える   pray to Amida Buddha

名号   name of a or the Buddha

南無阿弥陀佛という六字の名号   in Buddhism, the six kanji used to write 'Hail to Amitabha Buddha' in Japanese 

釈迦牟尼佛   Shakamuni-butsu

弥勒菩薩   Maitreya (bodhisattva), Miroku-bosatsu

観世音菩薩   Kannon Boddhisattva, Kwannon, Avalokitesvara (bodhisattva of mercy and salvation), Kanzeon-bosatsu

法蔵菩薩   Hozo bosatsu, 

神、神様   God, god, goddess

