
study of Soetsu Yanagi



茶   tea

抹茶   matcha, powdered green tea

一服   break, temporary pause,

一服たてる   put up a cup, make tea

茶を点てる   a ceremonical act of making tea,  a person who makes a tea during a tea ceremony, perform the tea ceremony

一服いかが?   How about some tea?

茶をたしなむ、茶道をたしなむ   drink green tea, practice sado, learn sado

茶事   chaji, tea gathering for the tea ceremony, Japanese tea ceremony

茶室   tea-ceremony room, tea-ceremony house, tea room, tea house

茶器   chaki, a tea set, a tea-service, tea things

茶の湯   chanoyu, tea ceremony

茶人   master of tea ceremony, an expert in the tea ceremony

茶道   tea ceremont

袱紗   fukusa, a small silk cloth

