
study of Soetsu Yanagi


14 「六字トナ 無字ナルニ」




There is no letter, six letters, Namo Amitabha Buddha.


What is speaking out of six letters, Namo Amitabha Buddha?

It is only to become there isn't the man who speaking out of six letters,

speaking out,

So even six letters is going back to "no letter".

Speaking of no letter, it is  sinking nevertheless than "existence of letters."

Nothing is just a way of temporary calling.  

Looking up to six letters, isn't  you persist six letters.

Adherence is just to be attached to yourself.

It could be polluting six letters.

We leave attachment by six letters is directly "shomyo."

This idea is to live in "nothing."

It seems to six letters is to bloom no letter.

We gaze beauty of "nothing" in fascination, because we forget everything.

To concentrate  six letters is coming back to no letter.

Whispering the deepness of "nothing" like this is a voice of "shomyo."


