
study of Soetsu Yanagi


「聖云ヒツル 棄テヨト」


 Hijiri said throwing myself away.


In olden days when saint Kuya was asked the way of reciting the Name of Amida Buddha, he answered only words "If I throw it away."

Not only Buddhism but all religion has a great many doctrine, but in brief that words summarize the doctrine.

"If I throw it away" is for what and how.

It is deserting all attachment.

It is deserting a sense of ego that based of attachment.

If one were speaking of throwing, it seems very negative attitude. In fact this is an only way of receiving.

Why we throw it away? Because we have to wander the world of duality, as far as we remain ego.

So we don't throw ourselves away, we can't see a state of advaitam.

But throwing isn't killing.

We open up a new field, we have ourselves and out of ego.

 A praised saint finished training of that, so he doesn't have a fear.

Pain isn't pain also.

Given the situation, spectacle of life change completely.

